My soap for this month´s Soap Challenge, using a lovely Taiwan Swirl, a technique that I´ve always wanted to
As I have a cold and can´t smell anything - I couldn´t create a new fragrance blend for this soap. I chose a tried one instead. I wanted to make another batch scented with my "Angels" essential oils blend based on ylang ylang, grapefruit and lavender. I knew that this blend was a little risky but decided to try it anyway because I thought the delicate look of the Taiwan swirl would suit the scent well.
I used mineral pigments and charcoal to colour the soap. The batter moved fast as expected but I managed to finish the swirl. Unfortunately the soap overheated a little bit so I got some greyish streaks in the middle and also a little ash on the top.
I must say that I like this soap in spite of the mistakes, the scent goes well with the colours and creates an energizing earthy manly feeling. But I would like to make another attempt using this technique and try to achieve a better swirl. Hopefully tonight or just once I can smell again.
An invigorating scent based on ylang ylang, grapefruit and lavender, soap with silk, buttermilk, shea and cocoa butter.